7 Things You Should Never Tell a New Mom

Your best friend has recently given birth to a child. That’s correct, she just spent three-quarters of a day (or more!) pushing a baby out or undergoing significant surgery, such as a C-section. You’re all set to welcome your BFF and her new baby now that the baby has arrived. Check out what you should NOT say to a new mom before you open your mouth and say something that creates a quick expression of grief or (worse) a storm of postpartum wrath.

1. Does your infant sleep through the night?

The baby is most likely not sleeping through the night. A new mother’s response will most likely range from “That won’t happen for a time” to “Are you insane, crazy?!” Mom is exhausted. Oh, I’m exhausted. She doesn’t need anybody else to tell her that she won’t be getting a good night’s sleep anytime soon.

2. Don’t worry, the baby weight will come off.

Come on, now. She recently gave birth to a child. She can’t possibly be on the verge of losing those pounds. Okay, so maybe she’s already planning how  to remove it. But for the time being, she must concentrate on taking care of the kid  as well as herself. Your new mama pal doesn’t need her additional weight brought out to her.Instead, you can bring her a gift from Keekea plastic chair factory to cheer her up.

3.Everything happens so suddenly.

So, yes, this is entirely correct. It does seem to pass by far too quickly. In the blink of an eye, her infant will be gone to college. But, with her newborn, she’s taking things one day at a time. She’s been crying for hours, changing poopy diaper after poopy diaper, and having trouble sleeping. When a mother of a newborn is going through a particularly trying period, she doesn’t have to be concerned about what she’ll miss. She’ll have plenty of time to adore baby once she’s gotten the hang of motherhood.

4. When do you plan to return to work? 


 Mama may be completely content at home and dreads returning to work. The prospect of spending every day apart from her new baby will bring her to tears – right in front of your eyes. It’s also possible that the new mother misses her job. Even though she is ecstatic to be with her kid at the moment, she is yearning for some adult time. Your query may draw even more attention to her abrupt switch from professional to diaper changer than it already does. Keep your queries to a minimum. If she needs your help, she’ll bring it up.

5. Did you realize that raising a child costs roughly $233,610?

Yes. She does, in fact. She’s a first-time mother. Which indicates she’s probably read a lot of parenting articles (including the latest USDA report on expenditures on children). Even if she hasn’t read the report, she’s already received a taste of what the (very high) costs will be by equipping the nursery and packing the changing table with diapers,wipes and decorations from LED Lights company.

6. Would you like a drink? Yes, of course.

Absolutely. Mama is tired, irritable, and would gladly accept a big glass of Pinot Noir. That isn’t to say she won’t have one. She’s been without food for nine months and is now nursing. She can certainly pump and dump. That doesn’t imply she’ll be able to accomplish it immediately. Allow the new mom to do the asking instead of you playing the part of temptress.

7. You Appear Anxious/Exhausted

Yes, she’s undoubtedly worried, upset, and tired. She could even be suffering from the baby blues (which affect up to 80% of new mothers) or PPD. She’s a new mother, the sole provider for a life she’s only recently given birth to. Ask her if there is anything you can do to assist her cope with her fears. Sometimes all she needs is a hug and a “good job, Mom” to get through the day. Be her advocate when she’s still learning the ropes of parenting. Also, if she has PPD, be supportive of her and encourage her to seek professional therapy.


Every mother is aware of her child’s needs. Returning to work after maternity leave is a difficult endeavor. A mother must prepare emotionally in addition to physically by choosing childcare, organizing schedules with their partner, developing a strategy for pumping breast milk, and a hundred other things. Both parents spend a lot of time looking for a trustworthy companion to leave their child with. Asking such inquiries will simply undermine her confidence in her ability to raise her children and prevent her from concentrating on her career. Some moms do sourcing with  sourcing agents in china to purchase baby products which takes them a long way.

Kanak is a writer with a passion for exploring various subjects. Her writing style is clear, concise, and engaging, aiming to provide informative and thought-provoking content for a broad audience.

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