The Rise of Mobile Poker

A century ago, Poker was a game played by few. It simply could not compete in popularity with other card games, such as blackjack. However, the advent of the Internet and the rapid spread of digitized gambling have turned the situation around. Today, poker is played while on the go, with mobile devices giving us access to gambling wherever we are. And why not benefit from this craze?

It is a viable business opportunity. Now, there is an app for everything, including poker. There are ready-made solutions for mobile poker at , which offer the easiest way to launch your club. With some many poker enthusiasts out there, giving them a platform to indulge the penchant is wise. But what exactly has made this boom possible?

Mobile Poker

Apple and Google

Steve Job’s corporation has largely contributed to the flourishing of the industry. The emergence of the iPhone in 2007 spurred countless software innovations. A mere year later, the App Store was offering five hundred apps, and this figure surpassed 2 million by 2017. The rival Google Play market has also filled quickly. The concept of apps meant that developers were now able to reach millions of potential customers.

Subsequently, the evolution of poker from desktop to mobile offerings occurred. One of the first such examples was Zynga Poker, once a Facebook social game, which was later adapted to Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, Windows, MySpace, Tagged, and Google+. The poker platform was so immensely popular that it had 350 million users in 2014.

Today, there are numerous poker apps for avid gamblers, but you can still have your own and make it stand out with wise marketing. Whether on PC or smartphones, poker is all the rage, and it is only reasonable to benefit from its popularity. The mobile gaming market is projected to be worth over $106.4 billion by 2021.

Secrets to Success

To understand how you can make your own app a hit, consider the example of Homescapes from Playrix. It took the app a month to have almost 30 million downloads. Here are the main reasons for this skyrocketing rise:

  • Pick-up nature.

    Users often play on the go, so they need to be able to put their phone down and pick up where they left off later.

  • Sociability.

    The game allowed tracking of progress against one’s friends.

  • Free distribution.

Rise of mobile poker

Value of Mobile Poker

Poker apps available today allow players to hone their skills, as many of today’s stars once started with Internet-based poker. These are top players like Tom Dwan and Doug Polk who say that mastering the digital game poker makes live poker much easier.

The apps are certainly useful for players, which means this business model is viable. With new variations of the game being released, the market is vibrant as never before and could bring hefty profits to owners of mobile poker apps.

Loves to write and keen learner to approaches follow.

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