Do you know what is lice?? What are its symptoms?? And how to get rid of it or in other words what is the best treatment for lice? Okay. Do not worry guys let us talk about all of it one by one. First let us discuss what is lice? Well it is a six legged parasite which lives on our head. Although do not worry even if you have them they are not going to create any permanent harm to you but yes they will keep maintain a constant urge of scorching your scalp.
They are very tiny, very small. They are almost microscopic in nature. Also, according to some research in their ways of getting rid of lice it has been found out that they are really hard animals. They cannot be kill easily. They can survive underwater for almost six hours. Also they can even survive in chlorinated water of the swimming pool.
Now you should also know that lice cannot fly or choc. It can only be communicated from one head to another through direct contact. Also if you have used bedding, clothing or comb of the affected person, then also you can get it. Although any one of any age and of any gender can have this lice problem but children who are of age group from three to fourteen years are most vulnerable for these.
Now let us talk about some of the symptoms of the lice:-
So what are the symptoms through which you can conclude that you are having lice? I will tell you some of the sure sure symptoms through which you can confirm that either you or your children or anyone you know has lice. So some of its symptoms are:-
- Continues itching on the scalp of the head.
- Swallow lymph node on the back side of the head.
- Your eyes would turn little pinkish.
- You would start seeing brown colored bugs in your hairs.
- You would feel like as if something is crawling over your head all the time.
Also, you can look for their eggs in the hairs. These eggs are very very small and of brown, white and tan in color. These are not easily spotted in the hairs especially if you have blonde and brown colored hairs.
Now comes to the remedies of the lice. Now comes to our most awaited question how to get rid of lice…what are the best ways to get rid of lice? So today I will tell you some of the solutions which would help you in getting rid of lice easily and surely. So let us begin our journey of getting rid of lice.
Best Head Lice Treatment
Vinegar is quite effective in getting rid of lice. It is toxic for lice also it helps in dissolving the dead nits and the left out ones you can remove using the comb. You what you can do is you can mix half part of vinegar with the half part of the mineral oil. Then apply on the affected person’s head. Then massage it thoroughly. Put a shower ca on it for its protection and finally leave it overnight. In the following morning was you hairs using good shampoo also if you want you can use good anti-lice shampoo which are available there in the market.
Also if you do not like oiling your hairs or you have some issuing with oiling like you have pimple problem or something like that then you can use this method. What you can do is you can mix vinegar and water in the ratio of 1:1 and then apply it on your hairs. But the condition involve here is you have to apply it on the freshly shampooed hairs. Then keep it for 10 min. and finally rinse it with Luke warm water.
If vinegar is used thrice a week regularly, then you will have lice free head in almost two months.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a very effective way of treating your head lice. There two ways of using tea tree oil for the head lice treatment. What you can do is:
- You can mix approximately 20 drops of tea tree oil with some 20 oz of olive oil and then apply it on the scalp and rub it thoroughly and then leave it overnight obviously by covering a cap over you r head. You can also use shower cap for this purpose.
Note:- If you have mixed the tea tree oil using alcohol then apply it on the scalp using the spray bottle and if you have mixed it with olive oil then apply it using the cotton ball.
Then the following morning you have to do the following steps:-
- Finally rinse it in the morning using a good shampoo. Also in the market some shampoos especially for lice are also available which can be used for this purpose.
- Then make the manageable sections in your hairs.
- Then comb you hairs nicely. This would help you in getting rid of lice.
Make sure of these things number of things is you are oil to take tea tree oil as a treatment to get rid of lice:-
- Do not use tea tree oil if you are allergic to it. The allergic reaction can be found out by the symptom of huge stinging sensation.
- Also do not use tea tree oil on the scalp if there is any open wound on the scalp.
You should be able to get rid of the lice after approximately two or three applications of this. Tea tree oil is easily available at local stores or it also available over internet. But in case you would not be able to find it you can use the following oils as its substitutes:- Aniseed oil, Cinnamon leaf oil, Clove oil, Eucalyptus oil, Lavender oil, Neem oil, Nutmeg oil, Peppermint oil, Red thyme oil.
Heated Air
You have to use a hair dryer in it. What you have to do is, You have hair dryer your hairs from daily to once in seven days. It is a long term commitment towards getting rid of lice. Lice has a life cycle of around one month. So from daily to you have to reduce it to once in seven days. It is a very long process and it would take around six months to permanently get rid of lice. The set procedure to follows the treatment is as follows:-
- Divide your hairs in the manageable section.
- Then use hair dryer on each section. But do not spent more than 15-20 seconds on each section.
Note:- An intense heating to any part can cause severe damage. So try to do it carefully.
Electric Combs
You can also use electric comb if you want. Electric combs have metal bodies and they have two ports i.e positive charge and negative their zapper gets close while combing and they are provided with very little charge in them which would help in killing the lice. Electric combs are recommended for the long hairs. For short hairs simple non-electric comb is recommended.
Apple Cedar Vinegar
Well it is quite similar to vinegar treatment but the only difference between apple cedar vinegar and vinegar is it is quite effective and has strong anti-microbial properties. So to use it for the treatment what you can do is:- . You what you can do is you can mix half part of apple cedar vinegar with the half part of the mineral oil. Then apply on the affected person’s head. Then massage it thoroughly. Put a shower cap on it for its protection and finally leave it overnight. In the following morning was you hairs using good shampoo also if you want you can use good anti-lice shampoo which are available there in the market.
- Do not use apple cedar vinegar if you are allergic to it. The allergic reaction can be found out by the symptom of huge stinging sensation. To check it you can put a drop of diluted apple cedar vinegar on your head. If there is a burning sensation which disappeared in few seconds then you can use it for your treatment but if it is persistent then avoid using t.
- Also for best results try using orange apple cedar vinegar.
Hair Gel
Hair gel well you all know about it. Especially youngsters I know you all have it. So you can also use it to get rid of the lice. This treatment is one of the easiest and best treatment for you to get rid of the lice. Following are the steps which you need to follow in order to make this treatment work for you and to get rid of lice.
- Divide your hairs in the manageable section.
- Apply it on the scalp try to focus more on the roots and rub it thoroughly and then leave it overnight obviously by covering a cap over you r head.
- Finally rinse it in the morning using a good shampoo. Also in the market some shampoos especially for lice are also available which can be used for this purpose.
- Then make the manageable sections in your hairs.
- Then comb you hairs nicely. This would help you in getting rid of lice.
It is proven treatment to get rid of hair lice. Although it is quite difficult to remove mayonnaise from the hair. But the concept behind using it as hair treatment is it will suffocate your head lice and it would completely destroy them and help you in getting rid of it. So following is method you need to follow to get rid of lice:-
- Apply the mayonnaise on your hairs. Cover your hairs completely with them.
- Now massage it thoroughly on the hair and then cover your hairs with the head cap and leave it for six hours.
- Finally rinse it in the morning using a good shampoo. Do not worry mayonnaise would take little time to get rid of it. Also in the market some shampoos especially for lice are also available which can be used for this purpose.
- Then make the manageable sections in your hairs.
- Then comb you hairs nicely. This would help you in getting rid of lice.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is another effective remedy for this. Well you can use lemon juice with the vinegar treatment as well to improve that treatment’s efficiency. But here you have to use it with the garlic cloves. Following are the steps which you need to follow to get rid of lice:
- Take three to four garlic cloves and make a paste of it by grinding it.
- Now add one tablespoon of lemon juice in it.
- Mix both of them together and apply it on the scalp and try to focus more on the roots.
- Now leave it for 30 minutes as it is.
- Finally rinse your hairs properly and comb your hairs.
If you do it for seven times then you would be able to get rid of lice permanently.
So guys today I have discussed about any head lice treatments. Some will work for some people and other will work for other people. But please do not forget to share your experience with me. If you get to know about any other treatment or if you think I have missed some important treatment then do let me know about it I will definitely add it in my article. As you know you are important for us. So till then Stay blessed and Stay Healthy..Happy Health!!!JJ