Interesting Facts about Bill Gates Cars

Bill Gates is passionate about cars. He is a self-claimed speed lover and also known for being fascinated with Cars. He possesses the 1988...

Where Do Penguins Live? Habitat & Facts

There are many species of penguins, but the actual number is arguable. According to some, 17 species of penguins are there, while others claim...

Top 40 Death Penalty Facts

Death penalty, capital punishment or execution is a death punishment sanctioned by government. The sentence is called a death sentence. Any crime which results...

Top 10 Amazing Megalodon Facts

When we talk about the Sharks the first thing that comes to our mind are their big sharp teeth that can chop off the...

How Long Does It Take To Go From The Earth To...

So many of us have been utterly fascinated with science and fiction since birth and many of us might have acquired the curiosity to...

Kola Superdeep Borehole – Deepest Hole Ever Drilled

The Kola Superdeep Borehole is a profound hole on the Kola Peninsula in Russia. It was delved with the intention of learning more about...

Robert Pershing Wadlow: World’s Tallest Man Ever

It feels good when we get compliments for any of our habits, characteristics or features. But what if you get extremely famous throughout the...

Average Height For Women Around The World And The Factors Affecting...

Sometimes, it becomes hard to predict the average height for women, and for this very reason, here are some of the questions that have...

7 Chakras Of Human Body And Their Meanings

The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy moves through. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means wheel.  These centers...

30 Amazing Facts About Bill Gates

His billions do not attract us, but his creation surely does. Microsoft! What else can you call it other than a “creation”? My legend himself...

Death Penalty Pros And Cons

Death Penalty is still being enforced as a punishment in many countries, like China and the USA. In this post we’ll discuss the pros...

How To Get Pregnant With Twins: Get All The Facts Here

Planning for a “grand” pregnancy? By the term grand we are not talking about those parties you throw, the term grand means to have...

30 Interesting Facts about Sharks

Sharks are remarkable and mystifying creatures, sadly they are also highly misunderstood. We hope to share with you some incredible facts about sharks that...

How Long Have Humans Been On Earth? The Big Question

The big question, how long have humans been on earth? Is a difficult one to answer, yet we attempt to do so, starting with...

21 Interesting Facts About Dolphins

There is no doubt that dolphins are the most interesting types of sea-going life out there. They are easy to distinguish and likely definitely...

Amazing Facts About Blue Whales

Blue Whale is the largest creature on planet earth. Their tongue alone weighs as much as an elephant. Their hearts weigh as much as...

Different Mood Ring Colors & Their Meanings

It is the basic question which will arise in any person’s mind that has little information about mood rings like what are Mood Ring...

What Do Dolphins Eat? Facts, Catching Technique & Eating Habits

What do dolphins eat depends completely on their species and the place they are located. Generally, what do dolphins eat is a variety of...

45+ Facts About Elephants

Elephants are the largest of the herbivorous mammals on land. They are large mammals with their snout evolved into a trunk and tusks evolved...

Bill Gates Is Once Again the Richest Person in the World

The list of the richest people in the world is out, and it’s no surprise that once again Bill Gates claimed the number one...