Lincoln’s Aviator has always been a stud of a mid-size luxury sports utility vehicle, but today’s model has a wealth of technological features which separate it from those of years past. The updated Aviator makes it easy to drive safely and keep everybody entertained in a way which was unthinkable even years ago.
Let’s meet the 2020 Lincoln Aviator and check out some of the exciting new technology in this already classic SUV.
Safety Galore
The 2020 Aviator has some advanced technology that keeps you and everybody on the road safer, such as the evasive steering assist feature. Cameras and sensors work together to read the road, and if the vehicle detects that a frontal collision is imminent, the vehicle will brake for you and help you safely steer around an obstacle when braking alone would be insufficient.
Reverse brake assist will automatically apply the brakes if the vehicle detects that a collision is imminent when the driver is backing up. This feature exists alongside a rear-camera, so you can reverse out of spots with greater confidence. For basic maintenance or a major repair, you can count on our team to do it all. First Choice Repair deliver service that’s friendly, reliable, and most importantly, honest.
Keep Connected
The Aviator itself is a 4G LTE Wi-Fi hub that can connect as many as 10 devices to the internet at the same time. The driver can use third-party apps like Waze to help navigate, reach their email, and access their music safely, and all without having to consume any data.
Meanwhile, passengers can stream video content or use their smartphones in whatever other way to pass the time during a long drive.
Phone as Key
A new feature for Lincoln, your smartphone can be programmed to function as a key for the 2020 Aviator. Your phone will be able to unlock the vehicle and start the motor with just the press of a button.
You will no longer have to bring a car key with you anymore. In the event that your phone runs out of charge, you can always enter in the backup code to gain access and start the vehicle. There will never be a time when you can’t get into your vehicle, but access is also simpler and more convenient.
Available Heads-Up Display
Another first for Lincoln, the 2020 Aviator gives you the option of having important information about how your vehicle is driving projected right onto the windshield, so you don’t need to take your eyes off the road for even a moment. This includes standard information like how fast the car is driving to available Adaptive Cruise Control settings, Lane-Keeping systems, and more.
You can select and customize whatever information you want on the windshield to make the experience your own. The projection will be visible no matter what the light conditions are, or even if you’re wearing polarized sunglasses.
The technological explosion of the last few years characterized by smartphones and apps has influenced the way today’s vehicles are built. All the stunning features which use advanced technology to keep you safe, entertained, and help you drive confidently make the 2020 Aviator a truly special vehicle.